45 Books to Read While Social Distancing – Recommended By You


A lot has changed since my last post. We've all learned just how much life can shift, the ground beneath our feet moving seemingly by the hour as reports and headlines bring fresh news of what to do – and what not to do, what we thought we were doing right, and what to do now. Chris and I have both lost our jobs, laid off last Friday due to the financial crisis and COVID-19 bringing the businesses we both worked for to a screeching halt – and since then, many of our friends are out of work too. But we have our health at this very moment to be thankful for, and an apartment to shelter us, which we haven't really left over the past week or so, save for a beach walk, a trip to tend to something for my father, and a trip to the grocery store that left me feeling stressed and anxious. We're leaning into staying in, accepting this as one of life's seasons. A difficult and scary one, but one that will pass and that we'll get through.

So while we pass this time at home – bundled up in our coziest loungewear – and spending time on quieter tasks, like baking, organizing, and cleaning literally everything, I thought I'd share some of the books that YOU have recommended to me (and a few I've read and am reading myself). I asked a few days ago on Instagram for your recs, and I've rounded up the books – and books by authors – you responded with. I also included a few I've read over the past several months and enjoyed.

As someone who is usually go-go-go, I'm trying to embrace this time of quiet and focus on things at home. Projects and hobbies that have been neglected in favor of work – I'm keeping cozy (loving these super soft pajamas and these chic activewear pieces for "getting dressed") and getting active when it strikes me (yoga is my movement of choice lately – I like these mats for a bit of cheer). but I'm not pushing it. I've seen a lot out there about "making the most" of this time (and no shade to those who cope by doing all the things) – but guys, I think maybe we can all give ourselves permission to slow down a little right now. So! Books below, and let me know on Instagram what you're reading (click on the image to be taken directly to the book):

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