Daily Style / Halloween Past...
Shirt: H&M (20.00 sale)
SKirt: Thrift (1.00)
Tights: TjMaxx (4.99)
Shoes: Target (6.99)
Necklaces: J.Crew (14.99) and H&M (9.90)
Bracelet: gift from Grandma
Travel Bag: Tag Sale (1.00)
I admit: I bought this shirt impulsively and had no idea on how to wear it up until today. I looks funny with jeans, but I love how it almost transforms into a dress when paired with this wool skirt. This kind of baggy silhouette is not a norm for me either- look at me, breaking out of the comfort zone! The skirt was also something in my wardrobe that didn't quite have a place- the waist is elastic, so it always fit a little funny. So, moral is: two wrongs can sometimes make a right, I guess! By the time I returned home from work, it was quite chilly out, hence the indoor photos. I think I finally found the one place in our apartment that I can adequately take pictures. Finally. Our place isn't necessarily un-photogenic, it's just arranged in such a way that every corner is taken. I should also say that Zephyr is in the bag in that right hand image, I was trying to get him to poke his head out- but, no dice.
So, in continuation with my Halloween theme, the below images are from the same week as yesterday's Royal Tenenbaum costumes:
When you go to art school (especially one that is down the road from Salem, MA...yes, the Salem), Halloween is not just one day, but sometimes the entire month of October. Meaning: lots of parties. These images are from the Halloween party hosted by the College in 2005. I was the official photographer of the evening, working in the studio taking pictures of everyone's costumes. I'll admit, my costume kind of sucks- I had just come from my other job at the time and decided to just wear the clothes I had on (if you recognize the shirt, I'm a big psychobilly fan) slap some black make-up on and go as a zombie. But, everyone said I just looked like I got beat up. Oh well. Adria is (again) Richie Tenenbaum and Emily is a Troll Doll (complete with jewel belly). Emily is amazing.