Decisions, Decisions...
Well, It's almost that time of year! My Cute Overload Page-a-Day at work and my Nuns Having Fun wall calendar at home are both showing the tell tale signs that the year is almost over- I can't believe it! Time to choose a new calendar!

I think this cute French Bull Dog Calendar would be perfect for my desk at home. Chris and I are both dreaming of the day when we can afford our on little bat-eared cutie, so this little calendar would be a reminder of our future pet! French Bull Dog calender: $11.99 at

Now, work calls for something more grown-up. I know I spotted this first on someone's blog, but I'm not sure who (if it's you, let me know). I love that the images can be clipped for later framing! 2010 calendar: Blancucha via