Daily Style (or: Worst Day Ever)....
Ugh...I hated today...

Hat: Burton (chris')
Flannel: Hand-me-down
Cardigan: H&M (16.00)
Jeans: BDG via Urban Outfitters (gift)
Shoes: DIY
...But flannel makes everything better!
Oh, today was one of those days! Did you know that there are three John Jay High Schools in New York? Yep, me neither and neither did Googlemaps. I was happy to get back to my hotel this afternoon and schlepp around in my favorite flannel.
To answer a couple of questions left in yesterday's comments:
Q: Kayla said...Do you live in Fishkill now or are you from Fishkill?
A: Kayla, I'm actually in Fishkill on business. After reading how I worded my explanation of my wherabouts from yesterday, i realise I was pretty confusing!
Q: Tara said...Are you still in Fishkill?? I grew up near there! GO TO DIA BEACON! It's the most amazing art space. I could list a ton of things to do if you want! The Hudson Valley is great this time of year.
A: I am still in Fishkill and would love some recommendations on things to do! Thanks!