Daily Style (weekend edition)...

Sweater: H&M (16.00)
Skirt: American Apparel via Plato's Closet (8.00)
Shoes: Tag Sale (2.00)
Scarf: Mom's
Tights: TjMaxx (4.99)
Belt: Flea Market (2.00)
Purse: Vintage Coach via thrift (20.00)
Picture taker: Chris
This weekend was decidedly low key, it was just nice to finally be home. I wore this outfit on Sunday to run errands with my sweetheart- nothing crazy just out to get groceries, etc. The skirt is one of many that I found this past week in Albany, NY. I love the difficult color... Chartreuse? Avocado? Brown? No idea, but I'm finding that this scarf matches almost everything I own, so it works. I've been a teensy bit obsessed with little brown bags lately too, have you noticed? I'm so happy to be back to (almost) regular posting, everything feels off if I can't get a post up (plus, I feel guilty). Hope everyone had a great weekend!