Daily Style...
Maine is always on my mind...

Dress: American Apparel (49.00)
Scarf: Unknown... super old, probably free.
Belt: Gift from friend (thanks, Claudia!)
Tights: Vera Wang for Kohl's (7.00)
Boots: Jeffrey Campbell (39.00 sale)
I'm really digging this scarf look lately, it adds pattern and interest almost like jewelry would, but adds an unexpected twist. I wore this outfit up to Portland, Maine today to visit a high school for work, I wasn't expecting the day to go well because I left later than I wanted too, but everything ended up working out perfectly! I love days like today, and they sure have been few and far between lately!
I had two presentations scheduled for this school and about two hours in between them, it turns out that this high school is only a few blocks away from where my late Grandmother used to live, so I decided to take a drive by her house and around the neighborhood. It was kind of neat to see all the houses I remembered from when I was a little kid (I don't think I had been in her neighborhood since I was 14 or 15), and also to see that the new owners of her house hadn't changed much about it. Afterwards I made a quick stop at the Salvation Army that's down the street, I have such good memories of this area from when I was younger! My mom's stylish friend once took me to this Salvation Army when I was 12 (?), and I remember going there also as a teenager once I got my license. Both of my parents grew up in Portland and would always tell me about their memories of certain areas when we would drive through. Being in Portland always makes me miss Maine a lot, it's such a nice city!
To add to my good day, when I returned to my office this afternoon, I found out that my visit for tomorrow cancelled which means that I can get all of my paperwork done before I go to Philadelphia this weekend and before Thanksgiving break... and I also don't have to wake up at 5:00 am again! Yay!