Daily Style: Wednesday

Sweater: Hand Made by Grandmother
Dress: American Apparel (40.00)
Tights: Vera Wang for Kohls (7.00)
Socks: Hue via TjMaxx (3.99)
Boots: Grinders
I'm currently at my mother's house in Maine until Saturday, so the dress code is decidedly lax. I rediscovered this sweater yesterday when rooting through trunks looking for treasure, my Nanana (grandmother) made this when I was seven years old! I love how it fits now, 3/4 sleeves and a little shrunken. The boots I've had forever and are the most comfortable things. I love the traditional ox blood color and how the leather has been worn away from years of wear. They're steel toe too, which makes them super warm and perfect for tromping through the snow (or tromping through town finishing my christmas shopping!). The weather has been beautiful, but very very chilly, I am really hoping we get some snow for christmas!
Is everyone ready for tomorrow? I just have a few more things to pick up and then I'm done! I'll be spending the rest of my afternoon listining to carols and making dozens and dozens of rum balls! yum!
Many of you have been asking me tons of questions about my hair lately, I'm going to (try) and put together a big post next week about it, it's kind of an involved subject and is going to take a little more concentration than my usual posts. i haven't bee avoiding the question, I'm just choosing my time right!
Q&A will resume next week!