Holiday Loot (plus more Q&A)

I feel like I've dropped off the face of the earth. In reality, I think I am still in Christmas recovery. I always go into the holidays thinking "this year I will simplify", unfortunately Chris and I have 5 families collectively, which complicates things no matter what. I've really just been putzing around the house since Sunday, so no outfit post until (hopefully) tomorrow.
I will however share some of my loot! Since Chris and I live together, most of what we receive for Christmas is meant for the both of us (i.e. a coffee maker -thanks mom!- and coffee -thanks dad!-). So I secretly love it when I get something special just for me. Chris' step-mom inadvertently gave me the Teen Vogue Hand Book (left) by giving me a cookbook I already had. Kerrie from work was my secret santa, and apparently reads my blog (or is psychic) because she gave me the little Moleskine Notebook (center) I blogged about here. And I am so excited about the little cropped lace vest from my mother (right), it was hers from the seventies and she found it while cleaning out a trunk in the basement. What was your favorite holiday gift?
Q&A with Orchid Grey
(are you getting sick of this yet?)
How do you have time to post on your blog and what motivates you? -Ashley
Finding time in my day to get a post up can be really difficult, I work a pretty demanding full time job and sometimes when I get home, all I want to do is veg out! Right now, I am trying to get up early enough so that I can blog in the morning and not have to worry about it when I get home from work. blogging can be really demanding, but it's something that I love to do, and feel compelled to do, so I make time. I think the motivation comes naturally, I love clothes and fashion, and I love sharing my ideas, so this is something that I enjoy doing everyday. There are definitely days that just don't work out (like yesterday), and I have to just let it go sometimes. The blog has actually helped me motivationally in other aspects of my life, I feel like I am more productive at work because I have an outlet for my ideas at the end of the day and it's helping me keep a more consistent gym schedule because I figure that I blog everyday, so why not get exercise everyday too? I think it helps that I have a pretty quiet social calendar too! I don't go out during the week, I save the fun stuff for the weekends!
how old are you?-Urooba
I am 25...I'll be 26 in 29 days!
do you ever feel like your style makes people take you less serious or that people assume you are immature because you dress fashionably? -Pamela
I am lucky enough to work in a creative environment where I have a little more leeway than the typical office worker. I have certainly had bosses in the past who I am sure would have preferred I wear a business suit, but it was never a vocalized issue. I'm sure I've come across people who have taken me less seriously, but they are too few and far between for me to care. I dress for myself, while always keeping the situation at hand in mind whether it's work or a family function. Everyone in my office is constantly mistaken for college students- including the director of Admissions! There have been a couple of times where I was mistaken for a high schooler...but I would much rather be mistaken for a 17 year old than 37 year old!
I hope you all stay warm and toasty on this freezing cold night!
It's only 14 F outside! Ahhh!