If I Were Young, Fabulous and Rich (rather than just young and fabulous)
This afternoon was rubbish, so I'm spending my evening lounging couch-side with Zephyr. Cats are the best companions for lousy days, they ask nothing of you other than full control of your lap and one of your hands for scratching (ok, so maybe they require a lot). I've been stressing a bit over Christmas lately,to make myself feel better (or worse?) I've been compiling my dream-list in my head...

An attention getting red datebook:
Moleskine 2010 Red Pocket Hardcover Daily Planner ($18.95)
So I don't spill my coffee while running to work:
I like to smell pretty at all times:
Adds even more love to everything I bake:
Flannel with flair:
Somethings gotta go under those over the knee boots:
Matches the birds in my tattoo:
Dreaming of career opportunities:
Chris and I both have puppy fever, until we can get a real Frenchie:
And my piece de resistance, oh how I covet these boots! Let's hope they go on sale after the holidays!
...In reality all I'm asking for is a coffee maker (wow, exciting I know). I'm sure I'll be adding more to my dream list in the coming weeks as I continue to cyber-window-shop!
The couch potatoes:

What items are on your "dream-list"?