Wednesday's Girl (plus! Q&A)

Sweater: Vintage hand-me-down
Skirt: Re-worked Vintage (3.99)
Belt: Vintage hand-me-down
Tights: TjMaxx (4.99)
Boots: Jeffrey Campbell (39.99 sale)
Photos: Chris (thanks hunny!)
Boy, it was cold Wednesday too! Chris had the day off so we did a quick kamikaze photo shoot before we froze too much. This was another skirt I re-worked last week, originally bought from Salvation army, I hacked off about 10 inches to give it the mini length I like.
Well, I received tons of questions in response to this post last weekend and I'm going to attempt to answer all of them. But, for the sake of keeping things within reason, I'm going to break up the questions into a few posts over the next few days with a few questions at a time. So, here we go!
Q&A with Orchid Grey
(do you like what I did there?)
How, if at all, has having a blog effected your personal style?- Second Skin
I started this blog as a way to explore my closet more, and also to try and utilize what I already had. Having the blog has expanded my ideas of what my preexisting closet is capable of and what it has to offer. Before, I was easily dissatisfied with what I owned, now I'm excited to get dressed every day and figure out a brand new conglomeration of clothing! My personal style has become much more interesting and full of variety. I've also become much more aware of what looks good on my body type, which makes shopping easier! I feel that my closet is now fully operational, and I'm much less apt to go out and buy something new.
What's the one piece you couldn't live without?- Brittany
That is a really hard question, I'm not sure if I really have a favorite piece of clothing! Tights play a huge part in my wardrobe, so i would have to say tights. I rarely wear pants- its mostly dresses and skirts for me- so a variety of tights keep things interesting for me and have the ability to dramatically change the vibe of an outfit.
Do your friends/ family know about your blog? What's the most bizarre/ crazy/ fun/ flattering reaction you have gotten?-Brittany
My friends and family are aware of my blog. I pretty much tell anyone and everyone about it. My mom will sometimes tell me she liked such and such outfit or photo. I'm pretty sure my brother thinks it's silly and my Dad and Step-mom don't know what a blog is. I haven't really gotten any crazy reactions from people, but I'm worried about too many people finding out about it at the college I work at. I would like to keep work and blog as separate as possible. Someone did recognize my boyfriend at the snowboard shop he works at from one of my posts, he was a little scared!
How/when you started blogging. Advice for new bloggers.- Liz
I've been reading blogs for about a year and i finally decided to start Orchid Grey at the end of May of this year. Blogging has helped me keep an organized schedule and also helped me re-discover how much I like photography (which is always love/hate for me). I have also become way more motivated! I think the most important thing for new bloggers to do is to keep your blog in your own voice. It's easy to feel like every post has to be editorial-grade writing, but I find blogs which are written more naturally vastly more interesting. Good photography also makes a big difference, make sure your photos are in-focus and clear. Your photos don't have to be perfect, but that attention to detail goes a long way. And the biggest: write about what you want to write about and what you care about!
Your favorite food- Liz
Right now I'm really digging brie cheese on anything. But especially in omelets with asparagus. I also really love breakfast food and coffee. Lots and lots of coffee!
What do you see yourself doing in five years. -Liz
Right now my goal is to find a way to marry my background in photography with my love for fashion. I don't want to do fashion photography, but I am really interested in set styling and set design. I want to get my hands dirty! It's a loose goal right now, but things are slowly becoming more concrete. I'm really excited for the next five years. I think they'll be good.
More answers to your pressing questions next week!
Bonne Weekend!
PS- my hair was awful today and just didn't want to be done (the photos above are from Wednesday). My hair tutorials have been pushed to next week. Please forgive me! I'm sorry!