Family Archives
I love finding old things and having them be in style again...

Fur Collar: Vintage (hand me down)
Sweater: H&M (16.90)
Belt: Urban Outfitters (9.00)
Skirt: Thrifted Re-Worked Vintage (2.99)
Tights: Wal-Mart (6.00)
Booties: Urban Ourfitters (30.00)
Glasses: Urban Outfitters (4.00)
Well, it's pretty freezing here in Beverly. Good thing I had this perfect vintage collar to keep me warm! I've actually had this piece since I was a kid, I remember being, like 7, and playing dress up with it! Turns out it was my great grandmother's, I'm so thankful I never mindlessly got rid of it. I rediscovered the collar last week at my moms. I had one day where I really had no plans and was stuck at home with no car, so I did a little investigating. Apart from this fur collar I also found my mother's prom dress (cotton, floor length, circa 1975-ish-awesome), her wedding dress (floor length, apparently cost 70 bucks- go mom), and a bunch of old cameras that belonged to various relatives. a lot of these things used to be common place in my mom's home but have been boxed up since our home fire of 2004. The stuff that didn't burn was boxed and stored and never really looked at until now. It's like finding buried treasure! I know after reading this post she will send me all sorts of emails about how I can find more stuff if I help clean the basement (it's on my list, mum!).
I like the combination of my tweed skirt, the fur wrap, and my cable knit tights. Texture! I also chose to wear heels today, which is a rare occurrence. Heels generally kill me, but this pair from UO is perfection. Somehow they distribute my weight evenly to make them relatively painless. I still can't walk a mile in them (I'm at a desk most of the day at my office), but they're much better than others I've tried. Another of my New Year's resolutions is to buy better quality footwear. Most of my clothes are thrifted already, and I feel if I spend on anything it should be on shoes that will last me a while.