Winter is Blue

Scarf: H&M (9.00)
Sweater: Thrift (2.00?)
Skirt: J.Crew outlet (8.00)
Belt: J.Crew outlet (15.00)
Tights: TjMaxx (4.99)
Shoes: Thrift (7.00)
Specs: Urban Outfitters (4.99)
So, I'm looking less than stoked in these photos and- surprisingly- it's not because of the weather or the cold this time. Now, generally I've become pretty comfortable taking photos of myself in public, I've come to care much more about this blog than my own dignity in recent months. In the winter I'm pretty much relegated to the parking lot behind my apartment due to it's convenience, and up until today it's usually pretty quiet when I'm out there. However, today was different. As soon as I had my tripod and camera set up two dudes roll up and start jump-starting the monster van in the space next to where I'm standing. And when I say "monster van" I mean it exactly how it sounds...a conversion van that's been spray-painted blue and jacked up on tractor tires. The things been sitting in the lot for months now and I was pretty convinced someone was living in it. And watching me. Charming, right? SO they're gunning it, and I'm trying to take my photos, and long story short I look a little stiff because I was trying not to huff the diesel fumes wafting in my direction and was feeling a little bit self-conscious of the fact they were standing a mere seven feet away from me. I smelled like a snowmobile rally for the rest of the day. Those of you who have never smelled a snowmobile rally, go stand behind a diesel engine for a few minutes and you'll know what I'm talking about. They happen in Maine, and they're not pretty.

And I know, I know I could have moved. But I was there first.
Ahh, rant over. I feel better. Despite my sour expression I did enjoy my outfit today. I know It's pretty similar to a couple I've worn recently I woke up late today and this is what I ended up throwing on. I can't believe that tomorrow is Thursday already! I'm so glad this week is flying by, I have some fun plans for the weekend!