Maybe Sparrow

Cardigan: Thrifted UO (3.00)
Top: H&M (24.00)
Shorts: Forever 21 (19.00)
Tights: Anna Sui for Kohls (7.00)
Shoes: Urban Outfitters (19.00)
Purse: Vintage via thrift (6.00)
Necklace: H&M (9.00)
photos: Chris
Sorry for my absence yesterday, it seems I just can't catch a break this week. I can, however, catch a nasty cold which I have been laid up with for the past 48 hours. Not. Fun. This is what I wore- reluctantly- to work today. I went to the mall for the first time in two months on Sunday and found these cute shorts, which I think are the perfect winter/spring transitional piece. I admit that I've been feeling a little exasperated with winter, we were supposed to get this huge-mega storm, and all we got was nothing. I'm trying my hardest to appreciate every season, but so far February has been a downer. Wow, I'm kind of a downer too huh? To tell you the truth, I was excited to be snowed in and I'm a little jealous of all you DC'ers, New Yorkers, and Philadelphians will all your snow!
Anyway, this post has taken me so long to write because Chris and I are watching Zombieland. Has anyone else seen it? It's wonderful! (and distracting)

My "Delightful Dozen" post has been pushed till tomorrow because of my cold, so stay tuned!