Over The Weekend Style File...
Future's so bright...blah blah blah...

Trench: J.Crew (19.00)
Sweatshirt: J.Crew (15.00)
Button Up: Marshalls (7.00)
Jeans: Urban Outfitters (gift)
Shoes: Sperry Topsiders via Salvation Army (7.00)
Sunnies: Fred Flare (11.00)
Photos: Chris
This weekend was a quiet one, just a lot of errand-running, so I wanted to be comfortable. I wore this on Saturday to go with Chris to Salvation Army and a bunch of other places. Usually, when I go to thrift stores I'm a little more practical with what I wear, but it was 50 F outside and I felt springy! I had the incredible luck a few weeks ago of finding a brand new pair of Sperry boat shoes at the thrift store, so they made their debut on saturday. I really want to get them broken in before Summer. I'm not going to lie, I want warm weather badly. This has been an anti-climactic winter, although the weather sounds like it's going to be nasty later this week.

I also broke out one of my favorite pins (above). It's rare that I find anything with my name on it that isn't "Julia" so I was stoked a few years ago to find this vintage pin-up girl. She's an old WWII plane decal. I like knowing that a hot lady with my name cheered up soldiers long ago. And yes, that button needs to be sewed on.
Also, Rachel from AdventuresInCooking asked a great question:
Q: "I have a question for you...how do you decide if you are crossing the line between "professional" and "Unprofressional" with your clothing. I have a purple and navy dress similar to the one you are wearing that I am dying to wear with tights and flats. I worry it's too short. How do you decide?????"
A: First of all, I am in no way the authority on how to dress in the workplace. I have the advantage of working in a creative environment where we are able to get away with a lot. For my skirts and dresses, I usually go by the five finger rule: lay your arms flat against your sides with your fingers straight down, is your skirt above or below them? Mine are usually even with or a little below my middle finger (this was the rule for camp dances when I was a kid, I guess it stuck). In the winter, I always wear tights, and year round I always stay covered-up up top. The key is to keep your outfit balanced. During my travel season when I'm visiting high schools, I am more modest with what I wear in consideration for the circumstances. I also almost never show the tattoos on my back and usually wear bracelets to cover the one on my wrist, this is to balance the fact that I have a big metal ring through my nose (I am not the only one in my office who has piercing's). Also, and this is a big one, my work mantra: Dress for the job you want, not the job you have. With-in reason, of course!
If you have a question, please feel free to email me or leave a comment!
(any hair questions will be addressed in the monthly hair-post)