You're Invited!
This morning was a bad start to a busy week, hence, no outfit post. Despite having picked out five outfits that I thought could work for what I know will be a crazy five days, nothing worked this morning at 7am. Blah, winter doldrums! I want Spring already!
So instead of an outfit post, I going to use Monday's post to invite all you Boston and Massachusetts based bloggers to someting I've been working on with a friend...

Those of you who have been reading Orchid Grey since it's inception may remember the first "Collective Pull" event that I participated in (if not, you can read about them here...and here...). Well, Bea and I are at it again. This time we're working with a great alternative space on Mission Hill in Boston called fivesevendelle. We've curated a great group of Massachusetts based artists, both established and up-and-coming and are really excited to put the show together!

This Collective Pull: A Mass Collaboration will be at 57 Delle Avenue, Boston, MA until Feburary 28, but if you're thinking about visiting the space, you should come to the opening reception. It will be a great chance to meet the artists involved and possibly plan some collaborations for the future!
Here's a little sneak peek at some of the work we'll be hanging...

So, this is something I'm really excited about (and a little stressed too!). I hope some of you can come, and please feel free to pass the invite on to friends!
On another note, one of my favorite bloggers, Delightfully Tacky, chose me as her blogger of the moment. I was so excited when she asked me, because her blog is one that I read almost every day. So head over here to read the interview, or if you're sick of me, just go visit her blog, because she has amazing style (and hair!).
And, just a quick comment on comments! I know I've been really slow on commenting back lately, I'm really sorry. This time of year is crazy in my office and I'll be receiving and installing work all week for the gallery show. Just know that I read and love every single comment left for me, thank you to all of my amazing subscribers, Orchid Grey would be a very quiet place with out all of you lovelies!