The difference between a Winkle Picker and a Brothel Creeper
I really like reading about the history of the things I wear.

Dress: American Apparel outlet (40.00)
Cardigan: H&M (16.00)
Belt: Vintage (1.00)
Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell (40.00 sale)
Pin: Tin Can Sally ($?)
Today I am wearing Jeffrey Campbell's version of the classic Winkle Picker shoe, popular in the 50's and 60's (and then 80's and then every five years or so after that) in the Mod and Rockabilly scene. I was so excited to find these on sale at LF in Boston this past weekend. I have been looking for an alternative to the black flats I am constantly wearing, and these fit the bill. As I've mentioned before, I used to be really into the whole rockabilly scene a few years back, and I still find myself drawn to those mid-century styles, though the inspiration is considerably more subtle now.

Similar to what I wore on Tuesday, this is another outfit that is a little more subdued, where I focused more on what was on my feet. I never used to be a shoe person, somehow I've turned into one.

I really wish American Apparel made this dress in more colors, it's seriously one of the most versatile pieces in my closet. If I wake up late this is the dress that I automatically grab, I know it will always be comfortable and always look good.

My "Fruit Cake" pin was made by Sally, the slide librarian at the College I work at. She does amazing things with tin and is one of the nicest people ever. I think I bought it during a holiday sale.

I'm trying to keep things short tonight, I feel like I'm coming down with something...
Oh, and I never even mentioned Brothel Creepers! They were what Tuesday's Jeffrey Campbell's were inspired by and have a really cool history beginning with WWII. You can see my real pair here. I love Wikipedia.
Have a good night!
Edit: I just realized that I typed Brother twice instead of Brothel...