Create. Compete. Ca-Ching! with Couturious!
So I've mentioned on here before, the unbelievably addicting styling site where you essentially get to play virtual paper dolls with thousands of designer pieces...for hours on end. Yes, it's addicting! Well, a few weeks ago Couturious contacted me to see if I would be interested in being one of the judges for a scholarship competition they are hosting, how could I say no? The contest is open to anyone who is currently enrolled or will be enrolling for Fall 2010 in any of the 8 participating Colleges. There will be three winners chosen: The grand prize of $2,000, second place receiving $750, and third receiving $250!

Submissions will be accepted April 12- April 25th. For more information on the competition, the participating colleges, and to read my dorky introduction visit the contest page at Couturious!
Good luck and happy styling!