These photos are a few days old, I'll admit: I have no idea what day they were taken, that my memory completely fails me speaks volumes of my stress level and my exhaustion level over the past few days. Ahh, to think back to a sunnier, pinker time! April is always a crazy month at the College where I work. A lot of late nights and weekend shifts in the admissions office. I think I wore this outfit this past weekend to a student function?!

Dress: Delightful Dozen swap from Mel
Sweater: old Express hand-me-down from class-mate
Belt: Savers ($3)
Tights: TjMaxx ($4)
Shoes: old UO ($30 ?)
Necklace: Dolly and Boy
Photos: Chris
Another thing to admit: I've been holding this Forever 21 dress of Mel's hostage for about a month and a half. It's been hanging fully styled on my wall, I think I was just waiting for the perfect spring day to break it out. Though, I was relieved to ship it off to the next Delightful girl, clearly I'm bad at getting myself down to the post office. Sorry Mel! You can scroll down to check out how Mel herself and Kristen from LeProust Vintage styled the dress. Also, thank you to my very handsome and stylist photographer, Chris. Sometomes it's nice to have someone else take the photos!

Below: Mel, Kristen, and I:

Don't forget, you can follow the Delightful Dozen on Facebook and now you can follow Orchid Grey on FB too!
Have a great night!