Product Junkie: Make-up

(Clockwise from top): Tigi Bed Head Glamma Bronzer, Urban Decay Big Fatty Mascara,
A couple of days ago Lola asked me what make-up I use. I never really discuss my make-up habits on here because my habits are pretty minimal, and have probably been about the same for a few years. I admit that I was originally drawn to the Urban Decay mascara because of the packaging (and, ok, the name), but I really like it! Cheap mascara always made my lashes break off, but the Urban Decay actually seems to condition them and maybe even make them a little longer. The rest of my routine is pretty basic, I don't usually wear bronzer, but I like the glow it adds during the winter months when my freckles have faded and I'm looking peeked.
Next week I'll discuss hair products!
What are your go-to products?
What are your go-to products?