Over the Weekend...
Ah, how was your weekend? Mine was wonderful (in fact, I'm still recovering!). On Friday, Chris and I drove out to Western, MA to visit friends and attend the wedding of our friends Ashley and Justin, which took place on Saturday at Stump Sprouts in Hawley. Despite the foggy, rainy day, the wedding was beautiful and everyone was happy...

(above: bride and groom)

the center pieces were incredibly cute

vegan cupcakes

there was lots of music

...and cigarettes

Our very talented friends from the band Sway played them down the aisle

Chris and I (this image sums up our relationship perfectly)
I had such a lovely time, besides being one of the most heartfelt and beautiful ceremonies I've had the pleasure of witnessing, it was also a huge reunion of sorts of college friends. Despite the fact that we mostly all live in Massachusetts, we rarely see each other, it was great to spend time with one another and dance and eat food! (a style file to follow!)
Did you have a good weekend?