Secret Messages

Necklace: Shop in Portland, ME ($3)
Wedges: Karen Millen via Buffalo Exc. ($40)
I am in love with the fact that I'm only wearing three things here. Five if you want to count the two bobby pins holding my hair back, but really, who's counting? This is simplicity at it's finest, I'm not sure that the necklace was even necessary, but I felt like a cheat only wearing a dress and some shoes. Some may say that waking up and throwing on a dress does not equal style, but I beg to differ. Getting dressed is more than just rolling out of bed (five minutes before you have to leave for work) and putting on pieces of clothing. The act of getting dressed is also a decision making process, whether your wearing five pieces of clothing or two, you're deciding what the message of the day will be. What will your clothes say about you? What I thought was really interesting as I edited these this evening, was the contrast between yesterday's images in the graveyard, and today's in front of this mural. Two totally different outfits and two totally different messages.
Today, I wanted my message to be bright and girly! I love this ModCloth dress so much, the little tribal band makes wearing a belt completely unnecessary and I thought it looked great with the mural in the background. I added some height with my favorite shoes and then, done! I did decide to do something with my hair, and just pulled the front back. I finished with a beaded necklace I picked up lat summer while I was in Maine visiting family. Easy!

I'm keeping this short and sweet, I'm off to make some sort of dinner!