Seeing Spots
Thank you all so much for the kind words regarding our engagement, I truly have the most amazing readers! Chris and I are so excited, and I admit to already buying Martha Stewart Weddings to get some inspiration! I'll definitely be sharing photos of the ring too, as soon as I can take some good ones!

Crop Top: Persephone Vintage ($20? old)
Shorts: Spotted and Noted Shorts c/o ModCloth
Shoes: Thrifted ($5)
Bracelet: Baracus Bracelet c/o ModCloth
Necklace: c/o Noble Town Vintage
I'm definitely breaking out of my comfort zone with this outfit today, I do not usually bare my midriff. This is a repeat of what I wore on Wednesday, unfortunately I didn't count on spending the whole day in different hospitals around Massachusetts trying to get Chris help for his hand, so I didn't get any shots of it then. Next time I'm stuck in a hospital for six hours, I'll wear something a little more modest, I admit that I felt a little exposed. It was however, super comfortable! These shorts are amazing, I was expecting them to come up a little higher and I'm a little disappointed that i can't wear a belt with them, but how comfortable they are totally makes up for that fact! I've had this little crop top for over a year, yet still hadn't worn it until now. I love how the buttons play off the polka dotted shorts. This is what is think of for the perfect summer outfit.

This week has definitely not gone as planned, life has just been unbelievably crazy. Along with Chris breaking (more like shattering) his hand, and our happy news, on Thursday my brother and his girlfriend started their trek out to Colorado, where they'll be living while he goes to school...

I'm so unbelievably proud of him, for a kid who has lived in the same town all his life, I think he's pretty brave for packing up his car and moving across the country. As of 10 AM this morning, they had already made it to Ohio, so they'll be there pretty quick. Chris and I are already making our own road trip plans to go out and visit!

So, quite a week, yes? I'm pretty excited for the weekend, and hopefully being able to relax!
Have a great weekend!