
Dress: Thrifted ($4)
Vest: Mom's Vintage
Bag: Vintage Dooney & Bourke thrifted ($10)
Bracelets: Vintage/Old
Ring: Forever 21 ($3)
Oh my gosh was it hot out today! We were treated to a mid-afternoon thunderstorm which I hoped would cool things off a bit, but no dice the humidity just skyrocketed! I spent the majority of the day indoors with no AC so I needed something breezy. I've had this dress hanging on my wall forever, and this afternoon hacked off about a foot and a half off the bottom. It's one of those dowdy thrift store dresses that you see all the time in Salvation Army. I loved the colors and print so I just cut it to a length I liked. To add some texture I threw on my lace vest over the top and added a bunch of silver bracelets. Instead of sandals I opted for these cute, green, vintage moccasins send over by the lovely Lisa Zain: Vintage Shoe Love. What struck me about these shoes when I first saw them was the color, I love that they're green! To even out the dark color on the bottom, I added a vintage dark green and brown D&B cross body.

So far, I have spent the better part of this week cleaning my apartment in the most unbearable heat ever. It was something I told myself I would do weeks ago, planning to perform the exorcism right after my last day at the college. Unfortunately my talent for procrastination reared it's ugly head, and I'm just now getting to it. Having a clean place makes such am enormous difference in my psyche though, in getting rid of so much I'm also emotionally cleansed. On Monday I attacked the living-room, on Tuesday and today I cleaned the bedroom (I also had some meetings which is why it took two days) and now all I have left to do is the kitchen, I can't wait for it to be done and be clean and organized!
Lisa Zain: Vintage Shoe Love is a sponsor of Orchid Grey