Queen of Bees
Chris keeps asking me to predict the future, I wonder why...

Turban: Vintage ($10)
Sunnies: Vintage ($2)
Shoes: Karen Millen v. Buffalo Exc. ($40)
This is actually a repeat of an outfit I wore this past weekend. It's one of those outfits that started the day as a basic dress and sandals and by days end had morphed into something completely different and slightly more complicated. But awesome. I love when that happens, sometimes inspiration doesn't hit until later in the day.
I found this turban at a vintage store while out on a thrifting excursion with my friend Jess. It's one of those things that I put on as a joke to show her, and once seeing it on my head I was convinced it must be mine. Paired with some huge vintage sunnies, and some major platforms it's the perfect 70's revival ensemble. Or, all I need is a feather and a large brooch and I match Marco the Magi behind me. Maybe I can pick up some extra hours as a part-time fortune teller.

Chris follow-up appointment went well today, his hand is healing! there is going to be one gnarly scar though! I'm keeping things short tonight, we just got back from Boston and have some dvd's of Monster Quest to power through.