Over the Weekend / Daily Style...
I'll say it again, I love fall!

Shirt: Salvation Army ($2 old)
Belt: Thrift gift from Mom
Shoes: Matiko via LF sale ($40)
This weekend was the perfect fall weekend, with both Saturday and Sunday displaying my favorite kind of weather. Saturday was sunny and clear and the perfect temperature, the perfect day to break out my favorite flannel shirt! I wore this shirt both days, below you can see that I wore it with jeans on Saturday. Sunday was a bit cooler, so I paired it with a sunny pair of corduroys. Sunday was my other favorite kind of weather, cloudy and grey. A good excuse to stay inside and read. This shirt feels like pajamas, it's so old and worn in and has a huge rip in the elbow. I love it anyways!
It may seem like I'm obsessing over fall, but this is the first time in three years that I can actually enjoy the changing seasons. See, my former job at the college required me to be away from home for nearly three months straight from September through the end of November during the recruitment season. It left little time to relax, and little time to spend with Chris. I was also stressed out all the time and started to have anxiety attacks on a nearly daily basis. I remember last fall, Chris and I just wanted to go apple picking, we had a two hour window and as soon as we got to the orchard, it poured. Like, torrential downpours. It was depressing. So on this saturday, we decided to try our luck with the same orchard, success! We spent the afternoon at Russell Orchards in Ipswich:

Cider doughnuts are possibly my favorite thing ever. We got hot apple cider to go with the fresh doughnuts, and sat under a tree, away from all the families. Russell's also has a lot of farm animals, including a 1000 lb. pig named "Big Boy" and a bunch of crazy looking chickens. There was a folk band playing, which we avoided. And a ton of kids, which we also avoided. It was a lot of fun, but I still think I prefer the orchards back home (meaning Maine and New Hampshire) where you just pay by the pound and are let loose with a ladder and a picker into the orchard. We're planning on maybe another go next weekend, the cider doughnuts are calling my name!
How was your weekend?
ps- there's still time to enter the giveaway! I didn't realize this at the time, but the earrings you can win from Noble Town Vintage will be the same as the one's pictured, but sent directly from the shop. Which is why I'm wearing them in the photo above, i guess those were mine to keep! haha, whoops! Thank you! Let me know if that sounds confusing...