BFW Re-Cap: Part 2 "The Swap!!!"
I have no idea on how to even start this post, other than to say: last thursday was so. much. fun. The event that I was the most excited to attend was the Boston Fashion Week Swap hosted by the ever popular Swapaholics, it took place Thursday night, and was the perfect way to end the most exhausting week ever. Around two I fled work and headed over to the Somerville armory, ready to help move racks, collect clothing, and sort other peoples unwanted items into semi-organized piles. I love coming to events like this early, there is always such a great sense of excitement and it's a nice chance to hangout with everyone before things get crazy. The space was beautiful and the perfect venue for a fashion-related event.

Top: Tucker (swapped)
Skirt: Thrifted ($3)
Shoes: F21 ($13)
Back-Seam Tights: AA
Bag: H&M ($17)
I always get super anxious about events where I'll be meeting other bloggers, I always want to wear something fun and I put a ton of (unnecessary) pressure on myself. For this event, I really didn't want to be stressed out so i went with a trusty formula I've come up with: leather skirt + silk top + walkable heels + waist belt = success!

This is seriously my fall back outfit, it always looks good. I admit to having a different shirt to wear originally, but when I came across this pretty silk Tucker top on the swap rack donated from the Closet, I made the switch. I love the geometric pattern and unusual colors. I quickly braided my messy work-hair (all the better to show off the raddest earrings), and threw it on. Love. My little switch made me match Jen, Punky & Melissa, and Brooke perfectly; I guess orange, yellow, and black were THE colors!

One of the things I was most excited about was seeing Jen again. We haden't seen one another since she had her beautiful baby, and I was so excited to re-connect. Doesn't she look amazing?

The swap was crazy. Standing up in the balcony, the best way to describe the scene was a swarm! Everyone seemed to have had a great time though and it was by far the best night of BFW.
I'm definitely still recovering, my tiredness from last week finally manifested into a full-blown cold this weekend, which I'm hoping I will be rid of tomorrow. I'll be showing off my swap finds this week, I got some good stuff! Did you have a nice weekend?
All photos except the bottom one by Adam Towner