Lazy Sunday
Yesterday was glorious. Sunday is my favorite day of the week, but somehow Sundays in Fall and Winter beat them all. I love the quiet of waking up to cloudy skies and cold weather, making my coffee, and snuggling with my cats.

Top to bottom:
Hat: Chris's from Urban Outfitters
Silver Foil Sweatshirt: J.Crew Factory
Black Denim Leggings: J.Crew Sale
Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell sale
Bag: Botkier from clothing swap
After having a fair share of dressy weekends as of late, I decided to go for comfort yesterday, and what's more comfortable than jeans and a sweatshirt? Of course these are no ordinary jeans and this is no ordinary sweatshirt. I bought this silver-foil sweatshirt this past summer, knowing that it would be perfect for fall and the holidays. Yesterday I wore it inside out so that just the cuffs were silver, but pretty soon I'll switch it around, showing just how metallic it is. It was a complete impulse buy but I do really love it. The black denim leggings were a bit impulsive too, bought this weekend during an ill-advised trip to the mall (don't go shopping when you've no money to spend). But I did need a new pair. And I love them. I haven't been shopping in forever, and stepping into J.Crew I was reminded of how I wish I could be dressing for work, the clothes are so beautiful!
Aaaand one of my best swap finds to date: this black leather Botkier bag. I grabbed it because I needed a new black bag and one that was big enough to stuff the necessities of my commute each day. It just so happened that I grabbed a fancy black bag!

I'm greeting Monday with a twinge of pessimism, I don't want to go back to work! I'm already planning another lazy weekend and I still have five days to go.
Did you have a good weekend?