Singer for the band
I've had Elton John stuck in my head all day today.

Dress: Delightful Dozen swap with Starr
(UO skirt worn underneath for volume)
Belt: Vintage
Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell
Bracelet: Vintage
When Starr offered up this sweet vintage dress for the Delightful Dozen to style, I jumped at the chance. Not only is it awesome and a break away from the neutrals I've been loving lately, but it reminds me so much of a dress my mother made back in the 60's that is residing in my closet, awaiting mending. Because the dress is so bright and attention-comanding, I kept my accessories to a minimum, with just a vintage brass bracelet and my Navajo belt for a little kick in the back. To stick with the 60's-70's theme, I added my Jeffrey Campbell clogs.
This is such a far cry from the colors I've been drawn to as of late. The recent cold weather has inspired my love for neutral and darker shades, and I've been avoiding bright primaries like the plague, not intentionally but I think it's just habit from the seasons and changing weather. It's definitely cold out in the morning now!