Winter's Wolves

Dress: thrifted ($4)
Sweater: Vintage thrift ($6)
Lace vest: Mom's vintage
Tights: AA super opaque "Truffle"
Necklace: Essex Shipbuilding Museum ($8)
Shoes: Matiko ($40 sale)
I disappeared a little bit yesterday. I didn't mean to, but it kind of just happened anyways. I know apologies for not blogging are unnecessary, but I hate getting off schedule. But, real life was calling and my lovely friend Adria was in town! I spent my morning cleaning up my extremely messy apartment until I was interrupted by a knock at the door, it was her! We caught up and drank coffee, and then it was down to business: thrift shopping. I hadn't been to Savers in forever, so that's where we were off to. I can't say that I hit the jackpot, but I do love this burnt sienna grandpa sweater I found, it goes perfectly with the dress I discovered too. I love finding whole outfits at thrift stores, it always makes getting dressed the next day so easy! I swear I probably owned this dress in junior high school, around 1995. the relaxed, baggy fit is perfect for days like today, where I'm just doing work around the house. I break up the kind of dated floral motif, I added the cropped lace vest that used to be my mom's, I love playing with proportions!
Someone recently asked me on my formspring if I plan to continue my Thursday wedding posts, and I do. I feel like the past few months have totally flown by, and maybe lacking inspiration. They will be back next week, along with (hopefully) other exciting things! To tell the truth, a lot has happened since Wednesday, but I'm going to take the weekend before writing about it. Don't worry, it's all good things! I hope everyone has a great weekend! It's freezing out here, 19 degrees!