Gris et marron
Hello January!

Cape: AA
Shirt: AA
Belt: AA
Jeans: Madewell
Sicks: J.Crew ($6)
Shoes: Buffalo Exchange ($40)
Winter is back. After a couple days over the weekend that were a balmy 50 degrees, it has been freezing the past two days. Sweater weather! Amber from Bluesville, USA kindly sent me this cute icelandic sweater recently and it's so warm! As much as I love dressing in cold weather, I find myself avoiding the most basic things like sweaters and boots for some reason, but they're so warm and so practical, I was instantly cozy when I put it on. Still no boots though, instead I added socks to some summer platforms. I really like the mix of grey with brown or tan. Many of you asked me which cut my Madewell jeans are, and I've linked to them above.
Thank you all for the kind New Years wishes and comments, I loved hearing what your resolutions are! I can't believe it's 2011, the last few years have flown by so fast! A lot of people say that January is the most depressing month, but I disagree (I think it's February), my birthday is this month! I'll be 27 on the 27th this year and instead of hiding from my birthday like I usually do, or down playing it like I do when people find out, I've decided to CELEBRATE and actually allow myself to be excited about it.

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