Over the weekend
It feels like it's been so long since I've had anything to post about my weekend. I guess that's what happens when it's cold out, I'm out and about much less than usual. That's what I love about events in the winter, as much as it's painful to leave the warmth and comfort of home, it's great to get out and see your favorite people while doing something fun! My weekends start on Thursdays these days, and last Thursday was one I had been looking forward to for a long time: National Swap Day! I started the day by meeting up with Jen in the city and doing some browsing. We then headed into Somerville to meet up with the Swapaholics and start sorting clothes at the Armory. I love volunteering for these girls, it's really just an excuse to help out while hanging out with friends.

Sometimes I make awful faces:

After people arrived and dropped off their clothes, they were able to head up to the balcony and watch as their items were sorted into the racks.

Everything looks so calm and orderly in the beginning, like the calm before a storm. Special pieces- like designer items- are hung up, while everyday wares are sorted on the tables:

The actual swapping only lasts about 20 to 30 minutes before the racks are cleared and everyone heads home to add new treasures to their closets. Left over clothes are donated to Goodwill:

The best part of this weekend is that I got to spend almost all of it with Jen, Punky, Adam, Chris and Kev. There was a 30th Birthday party (Adam's), brunch, thrift shopping, and general fun. I can't wait to show off what I got at the swap as the week goes on!
(all photos: Adam Towner)