Primary Influence

Fur Collar: family heirloom
Wool Cape: AA
Sweater: Madewell (sale)
Jeans: Madewell (sale)
Bracelet: Swapped
Bag: Vintage D&B thrifted ($10)
Boots: my mom's from the 70's
nailpolish: Essie "flawless"
This has been my outfit of the week, comfortable and easy to move around in. The weather has been absolutely miserable: after a 10 degree Monday, we woke up to beautiful snowflakes yesterday morning, which transformed around noon into ugly and huge drops of rain, turning everything into an icy, slushy mess. I don't mind rain in the summer or spring, but rain in the winter is just gloomy. Because of this, I haven't been in much of a mood to get dressed up, jeans and a sweater is what this weather calls for. Boots too, I discovered these fantastic boots of my mother's while on a reconnaissance mission over the summer. I was the only one home with nothing to do, so naturally, I started going through closets and trunks seeing what I could find. Along with turning up her long lost wedding dress (no, not what I'm wearing on August 20th), I found these beauties:

She said she bought them for $75 in the early 1970's in Portland (Maine). They're a little snug, but not uncomfortable. I think they'll stretch too, after all they haven't been worn since at least the late 80's. My mom had amazing style when she was a young person, and I'm so happy when I can turn up something of hers that fits me. I never thought my mom would have a huge influence over my style- she's not into clothes and fashion at all- but I feel like her younger self is my primary influence these days.
I'm glad when I can put this stuff to good use, it makes me sad when I find a beautiful piece of clothing that has deteriorated. Before our house burned in 2004, I never would have guessed all this stuff was boxed up, but because everything had to be removed from the surviving parts of the structure, things like these boots floated to the surface. As a kid, I always wished we had one of those magical attics you see in movies and T.V. that are full of family treasures; it turns out we had all that cool stuff, it was just kept in trunks and boxes throughout the house!
On a totally separate note, who's going to the swap tomorrow? Will I see you? If you see me, come say hi!
EDIT: for everyone saying that the leather on the boots needs attention, thank you and I appreciate the advice. (ps- this is meant sincerely, I understand how it may be construed as snark, but I assure you it's not meant as such)