When I live my dream

Jacket: UO sale ($30)
Fur Collar: Family Antique
Striped Shirt: AA
Cardigan: Madewell sale
Belt: J.Crew sale
Jeans: Madewell
Belt: J.Crew outflt (gift)
Shoes: Matiko sale ($40)
Purse: Thrifted vintage ($4)
Days like this are my favorite, grey, dark and snowey. These were actually taken on Saturday when Chris and I took a walk to the park, but it's supposed to snow tonight and I hope it does! I love it when it snows, for a brief period of time the world is beautiful, and everything gets quiet. It's also a great excuse to be a home-body and stay inside. I don't know when I became so reclusive, I used to be so outdoorsy when i lived further north. I miss that!
This outfit is something I threw on to go to the grocery store and miraculously stayed in all day. I usually end up changing after the morning errands are run, but I really loved this outfit. It was pulled together but comfortable. Better than jeans and a t-shirt, but not far off either. I picked up this cool belt at work the other day, it looks super complicated but it just snaps on the side, perfect for belting jackets with!
I want to thank everyone for the incredibly supportive comments left for me on this post, I wish we all had amazing jobs and nothing to worry about, but it was comforting to hear from some of you who are experiencing the same thing as me (and from those of you who are experiencing success after making the big decisions too!). There was one point in particular that was made by Jo that I'm really going to try to keep in mind for my blog: "Anways, rants are always great. It's weird if bloggers don't write about things that bother them/life decisions...because it makes them seem non-human." I think it's so easy to see bloggers as non-humans because the blog itself is such a small part of our lives as a whole. There's certainly more to me than clothes and outfits, and I know that's not always represented here. Sometimes I leave things out intentionally for fear of sounding like I'm complaining or that I'm rambling. But I'm going to try and make more of an effort to talk about life on my blog. Not just why I chose to wear brown and blue, (which is one of my favorite faux-pas combinations by the way), or a certain pair of shoes, etc. I have a couple of job leads this week that I'm going to be writing cover letters for, which I'm the worst at. But here's hoping! Fingers crossed!

Is it snowing where you live? We're expecting 6 to 8 inches here in Beverly!