In the 7th house

Sweater: Vintage/thrifted cashmere ($5)
Hat: Chris's from vintage fleamarket
Necklace: Black Sparrow (gift)
Bracelets: Vintage/Thrifted
Belt: Vintage/Thrifted ($4)
Shoes: Matiko/LF ($40)
Bag: Mom's (gift)
On another, slightly warmer day I wore a long flowing skirt and cozy sweater and didn't need a coat. Once again, I can't wait to wear this dress more simply, with just a belt, leather sandals, and a necklace. I have allowed myself to think constantly of warmer months, and there's no going back. I've started my vigil, these trees have got to bud sometime. I never thought I would love long dresses and skirts as much as I do, wearing them always seemed faux pas for shorter women- someone asked yesterday, I'm 5'5"- but I think the trick is to find a maxi dress with the right proportions. Or get it hemmed to the right length. I love this one Spotted Moth sent over, color-wise it's appropriate for multiple seasons (depending on how you style it), and it super comfy. I love the flutter sleeve too, even though it's covered up in the photo. I played off the oranges, taupes and browns by adding a taupe sweater, orange belt, and brown bag, and then added some gold to make everything pop.
For my birthday last month, I met my mom in New Hampshire for lunch and she surprised me with some items that had surfaced while she cleaned our basement. It may sound funny, but receiving these items again was one of the best gifts I have ever received. Included among the family photos, vintage clothes from my childhood dress-up trunk (yep, always loved vintage), and books, was this bag. It needs some serious care, but I love it. I never really expected her to relinquish it to me, and it means so much more now that she did. Anyways, I thought it went well with the 70's art student vibe I had going on. Thanks mom!

On an unrelated note, I mentioned on my Facebook that I received a question from a reader about my diet last week and am taking questions. I'll be answering these questions in a post early next week, so if you have a question to add tot he queue, head over to the Orchid Grey Facebook page to ask! You can also ask me a question on Twitter!