March 29, 2011: A Hike Around The Crane Estate

(photos: Chris & I)
Yesterday was so unbelievably beautiful out! Oh what a tease spring was, coming out for only a day. Somehow though all fell into place: Chris was home and my work shift was dropped, the day was ours. Normally I would opt to make a little money, but when days like this are few and far between, I'll take what comes to me. We decided a trip to the Crane Estate in Ipswich was just what we needed. A walk around the sunny grounds, enjoying each others company. Since it's the off season still, and mid-week we were pretty much the only people there. We hiked around, read about the history, and saw five or six deer grazing off one of the foot paths. I can't wait to go back and have a picnic when the flowers are blooming!