Wildwood flower

Coat: Thrifted ($12)
Sweater: Thrifted ($3)
SKirt: American Apparel
Tights: American Apparel
Socks: Store in NYC ($3)
Boots: Matiko ($80 sale)
Necklace: Forever 21 ($5)
This outfit is from Tuesday, two friends and I took a trip to the Ikea in Stoughton, MA for some pleasingly designed home goods, and this is what I wore. Exciting, I know! Actually it was all strategically planned, it's been pretty cold out lately, but I knew I would get too hot walking around inside wearing my normal winter coat, this blanket-like coat was perfect to wear on the way there and then take off. And this wool fisherman's sweater turned out to be plenty warm, with or without the coat! I often find that jeans make me claustrophobic, especially in long car rides, so I wore the most floaty skirt I own. The end result turned out perfect, I was comfortable the whole day. Our little trip was just what I needed, a chance to get out of the house, have some Swedish meatballs and a princess cake, and return home with a few little things to make our home feel refreshed for spring.
I don't know about you, but I cannot wait for warmer weather! It's only 8 degrees outside right now, and I have to head into Boston soon to meet Punky. As much as I'm excited for our day in the city, I don't want to leave my cozy apartment!

Happy Thursday!