Over the Weekend: Earth Day Clothing Exchange!
Technically, this wasn't over the weekend, it was Thursday. But I pretty much checked out Thursday afternoon, so we'll count it as the weekend! That afternoon, I headed into the city to help set up for the Earth Day Clothing Exchange, hosted by the Swapaholics:

(Pacifico Beer, one of the sponsors, SO GOOD!)

(Beer and cupcakes (from Cakeology), the perfect pair)

(I wore a thrfited blazer, thrifted button-up, Swapped cut-offs, and thrifted loafers (not pictured))

(some of my favorite girls)

(how can you not play dress-up at a swap?)

(All above photos: Adam Towner)
Among other things, I got this sweet minty snowsuit. Somewhere there's a video of me dancing in it, wearing silver shoes. I have a hard time not putting on ridiculous costumes when the opportunity arises, and this time it payed off: I won two tickets to Friday's Wine Riot hosted by The Second Glass for best Swap Score! The snowsuit will come in handy for more dress-up and snow shoveling next winter.
My other swap scores: A Paul And Joe tweed jacket, a Rebecca Taylor shearling vest, two vintage tops, and some vintage jewelry. I also got a pair of Dolce Vita wedges.