Thank you!

(don't cats in boxes make you happy?)
I just wanted to take a minute to THANK everyone who reads Orchid Grey. I don't always get a chance to comment on all the blogs I would like to, or to thank everyone personally for their kind and sweet comments (If I could send you all flowers, I absolutely would!). So: THANK YOU! Thank you especially for sticking by me the past couple of weeks, which have been supremely stressful and busy for me.
As I'm sure most of you can agree with, blogging is a constant balancing act, as soon as I feel as though all my plates are balanced, someone hands me another one (is it possible I handed myself another one? yes.). See, I started a second (third? fourth?) job last week at a local coffee shop, and as much as I enjoy what I'm doing, I've had to yet again adjust my spinning plates. I doesn't help that it's beautiful outside and all I want to do is run through fields of wildflowers.
So thank you everyone, I love you guys. I know I sound like a wicked sap, but seriously.
I have officially survived one of the most stressful weeks ever, I got everything done on time, and it looks as if I'm going to leave my apartment at the time I planned, win! I'm off to Maine to enjoy no internet access and minimal phone reception.
Have a FANTASTIC weekend!