Over the Weekend Part 1: Brimfield (fail)

Sometimes I'm really bad at documenting what I'm up to. Like this past friday for instance. It was actually quite busy: our friend Eric came down from Maine, we drove to Shrewsbury and met up with Adam and Punky, and then on to the Brimfield flea market where we were joined by Jen and Kev (and sweet Rowan). But what did I document? the fun? the food? the festivities? no, none of that. I made sure to document the Bikini For Men. Priorities people.
What I got at Brimfield: three necklaces, a purse, and a woven table-decorative-thingy (none of which are pictured). Stay tuned for photos of Saturday (I promise there's more than one). Oh and we also went to a show at Ralph's in Worcester Friday night, where i realized that I'm old and can't stay up past 11 anymore.