July 13, 2011: Chambray, Aubergine, Creme

Top: American Apparel
Necklace: Spotted Moth ($34)
Can you tell I'm on day five of half-sleep? It's hard to believe 85 degrees could be refreshing, but this morning it feels so good. The weather has been 90+ degrees the past few days, making it nearly impossible to get a good nights sleep. I love summer, but I love sleep more, and I'm starting to go crazy. Maybe it's the combination of our wedding coming up in less than 6 weeks? Probably! A few people have requested details of our wedding planning, and I am promising a big recap post-wedding. I wish I was the type of organized person who would be able to give updates as I go along, but we're flying by the seats of our pants here and piecing this thing together as we go along. We're doing everything but the food and music ourselves. Plus, I kind of like the surprise of the whole thing. We had our engagement shoot on Monday with my friend Spring of Spring Smith Studios, I am SO EXCITED to share them with you guys! Spring did an amazing job, and it was great to work with such a talented photographer that I know and feel comfortable with.
I know this is kind of a tangent, but my mind has seriously been this scattered lately. Chris and I have had a lot going on! How have you been lately? Busy? Enjoying a relaxing summer? let's hear it!