Summer Love

Photos via Punky
If you read Punky, Jen's, or Indiana's blogs you have probably already seen these photos. On Tuesday we had a mini blogger/friend meet up in Newburyport. I love meeting blogger's I've been internet friends with for so long, you just fall into step with one another, no awkward getting to know you phases, it's so easy. I love these ladies! We had a great time eating, playing catch-up, and wandering around Newburyport. Also, if there is one trend I will happily jump on right now, it's friendship bracelets. Chris made fun of me the other day because he caught me trying to match an outfit to my collection of bracelets.
I'm headed up to Maine this week to get ready for our wedding on Saturday (!!!!!!!). In the mean time, I have some very lovely ladies who are going to be blogging for me this week. This is my first time hosting guest bloggers on Orchid Grey, and I'm so excited to see what they come up with. Appropriately, the theme of this week is Summer Love. I hope you enjoy their posts!
The next time you hear from me, I'll be a married woman!