Wedding Style File: At The Salon

(photos taken by Adria)
Belt: American Apparel
Cat Pin: Thrifted ($1)
Shoes: Thrifted ($10)
Please excuse the picture-heavy post. And the bra-straps. It was my wedding day after all, and on your wedding day you can get away with these sort of things. As much as I will preach DIY and low-maintenance hair, I've always loved going to the salon, especially for big events. I've been going to the Cut Off Salon & Day Spa since high school, and even worked there from 2006 to 2007 as a receptionist. So there was no question where I would be going for my wedding-day hair and make-up. Per my practice appointment, I knew my hairstyle would be vintage-inspired, and decided to dress accordingly. I had a few last-minute errands to run afterwards, and didn't want to be running around town with fancy hair, and no fancy outfit to match! I chose this ModCloth dress by Dear Creatures because it's comfortable and conveniently buttons up the front, a key feature so as not to have to pull the dress over my perfectly coiffed hair when it came time to change. I kept the accessories simple by adding a brown belt and little kitty pin, something I had completely forgotten about until I found it buried in a bag full of thrifted wedding supplies!
Also, this was too cute not to share:

This little diagram is from my practice appointment with my stylist, Michelle T. After wrangling my hair into a beehive, she smartly decided to draw herself a diagram for my day-of hair. I have so much hair to wrangle, it requires scientific formulas!