Our big news...

After a brief hiatus due to a technical difficulty over the weekend I'm back! And with some big news! Remember that top secret news I had last week? Well this is it: Chris and I will be packing up and moving to the city of steel this Friday! I know, super sudden, right? But I assure you it's for something amazing. I found out a couple of weeks ago, but needed some time to make housing arraignments and wrap my head around the whole thing.
We're both very sad to be leaving the North Shore of Boston, I've been living in Beverly for almost 10 years, 5 of those with Chris. We're leaving everything we know and all of our friends, to go to a city we've never even stepped foot in, it's understandable that this idea might sound completely crazy to some. But, I'm also so excited to have a new area of the country to explore, and a new city to become familiar with. While I can't tell you exactly what I'll be doing yet (soon, I promise), I can say an amazing opportunity arose with a company that I adore, an opportunity that could not be turned down.
So, we've been spending every free moment with friends and family, preparing to say goodbye. It's been really tough, and incredibly surreal, in a way I feel like I'm going off to college all over again, leaving the comfortable bubble of our community for something new. I'm so excited to see what this adventure holds for us though.
I'm sorry for not telling you all sooner, but we didn't even know where we would be living until this past wednesday. We are going to be moving into a great new apartment, and I can't wait to start decorating! I've always wanted to add some home decor posts to Orchid Grey, and I'm so excited to start sharing my ideas (and hearing yours as well). Thank you all for sticking with me these past couple of months, I know that I've been a bit distant with my posts, but I have some amazing things planned for Orchid Grey's future. I can't wait to start sharing our new life with all of you!
Chris and I are in Maine today, visiting with family and friends. I hope everyone has a fantastic Monday!
-Julie (& Chris, Zeb, and Zephyr)