Leopard Print and Navy

Sweater: ModCloth (2010)
Top: VIntage thrifted
Jeans: Madewell Hiriser
Shoes: Matiko (2010)
Belt: AA
Necklace: Black Sparrow (gift)
Top: VIntage thrifted
Jeans: Madewell Hiriser
Shoes: Matiko (2010)
Belt: AA
Necklace: Black Sparrow (gift)
What's that in the background? Snow?! Yep, we're stepping back in time today, only by a couple of days though. On Saturday morning I woke up and looked out the window, only to find a wintry wonderland had replaced the late-fall glory of the changing leaves. While we only got about a half an inch (compared to the foot my mother had at her house), it stuck around for the rest of the day. Winter, I'm just not ready for you. Thank goodness it melted! Chris and I really haven't had much of a chance to explore our new city, between jumping right in to work, and having a new apartment to settle into, we mostly just ran errands on Saturday. I have been enjoying the fresh dose of fashion inspiration that moving has provided, even when just going out to the grocery store, I've been loving actually getting dressed for it. For Saturday, I donned a leopard print silk top I've had in my closet forever, and paired it with the coziest sweater I own, it was perfect for what the day had in store for us, and for a drive around the city. Did you get snow where you live?