Like Dylan in the Movies

Vest: Rebecca Taylor via Swap
Flannel & Belt: American Apparel
Jeans: Marc Jacobs via Swap
Necklace: Dolly & Boy + Flea Market
Shoes: Buffalo Exchange
Well, blogger hates me. I had a whole post written out and...poof, gone. So, suffice to say, this vest and these jeans are two of my most favorite swap finds to date. It doesn't hurt that they're a little fancy either. I'm not a big designer label person, but it's always nice to find something that I normally wouldn't seek out for myself. What about you, are you a major label fan or do you steer clear?
To make it extra fluffy, I flipped the vest inside out, and added a cozy flannel. I love the finished product, very 70's, which as you all know, I'm a big fan of.
Can you believe it's nearly December? The weather has finally decided to ACT like it's winter, at least a little bit, I hear it might snow today!
To make it extra fluffy, I flipped the vest inside out, and added a cozy flannel. I love the finished product, very 70's, which as you all know, I'm a big fan of.
Can you believe it's nearly December? The weather has finally decided to ACT like it's winter, at least a little bit, I hear it might snow today!