Over the Weekend: Take Me Out to the Ball Game

(these are from the cafe, to be clear)

Good morning! How was your weekend? Mine was exactly what I needed after last week's stress fest. Thank you all so much for the wonderful advice left on Thursday's post, sometimes all it takes to slow down are other people advising you to slow down. A few people asked why we were thinking of moving, we actually love our little apartment, but would also love to be able to save a little more each month. So, we were looking into different neighborhoods, but, sometimes you have to listen to the universe, and the universe was telling us that it's not the right time to move (actually, my taxes were telling me this, but you can take celestial guidance from your taxes, right? right?). Anyway, after we made the decision to stay, it was like a huge weight was lifted. I felt so much better. It's my new goal to make the most of our cute place, to really put some love into it.
So Saturday I spent cleaning out all the junk, and cobwebs, and clutter of our lives. We moved so quickly in October that we ended up bringing a bunch of crap we didn't need, and I've made it my mission to get rid of it! Paperwork, clothes, etc., goodbye! It feels so great to clear stuff out and organize, I feel like I can breathe so much easier now.
And these photos you ask? All from an awesome Sunday spent with friends celebrating SPRING! We had an amazing, cake-filled brunch at Zenith (an antique store/cafe ALL IN ONE), followed by a Pirates game. Amazingly, the rain held off, and the sun came out, it was pretty much the perfect day.
Happy Monday!