Work from Home

Sweater: UO ($10- Gabriel Bros)
T-Shirt: UO ($14 sale)
Jeans: Vintage Levis (thrifted by Chris)
Sneakers: Converse ($35- Little's)
Bra (under): AA
Bracelets: Gift and F21
Part of me feels a little funny posting such a...schleppy outfit. But, this is real life, and this is what I wear when I'm writing product from home. Once a week or so, I take a big box o' stuff home from work and hole myself up for the day to blast through the descriptions. It's a nice feeling of accomplishment when I'm finished, if a bit isolating, so I make sure to get out, grab a coffee, and see other humans for a little while.
I found these jeans while unpacking a box of stuff a few weeks ago- a weird mix of hangers, vintage men's clothing, and Chris's stuff- and decided to try them out. Since then, they've officially become my new hang-around pants, about 1,000 times better than sweats.