Over the Weekend: (Re)Learning to Relax

Coffee. Baby yard bunnies. Lounging with cats. I'm not sure if this weekend could have been more perfect. I have a tendency to hit the ground running on days off, and not stop moving until the end of the day, at which point I've successfully run myself ragged. This productivity can be good at times, but it can also leave me feeling as if I didn't even have a weekend by the time Monday morning rolls around. I've been making the effort to get out of the house early and not give myself enough time to start obsessing over all that could be done in our apartment (which, honestly isn't much). So I make sure to go to the gym, grab a coffee and work on emails and blog stuff for a couple of hours on Saturdays, which is enough to leave me feeling energized for the rest of the day, and accomplished enough so I am able to cut myself a break for the remainder of the weekend.
This weekend was completely successful on the relaxation front. I grabbed a new book to read from the library (The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides), took advantage of the sun before the rain came, went out for cocktails with Chris, and started in on the long process of organizing my email inbox (a nightmare). I also finally made good on one of my new years resolutions and bought myself a racing swimsuit and started swimming, I'm feeling really good about this. How was your weekend?
(my Leah Goren IPhone case was kindly provided by Iconemesis, review to come!)
ps- there is one of the largest raptors I have ever seen sitting on top of that building. Not sure if it was a hawk, falcon, or something else, but it was incredible!