Kick Around

Vest: Thrifted ($3)
Top c/o Spotted Moth
Skirt: Thrifted ($5)
Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell "Rumi" bought from work
"Bella" Bag c/o BaliELF
Necklace c/o InfinEight
Where I wore it: To the office!
I'm writing to you today from the wilds of Maine! Where the internet doesn't exist! Just kidding...kind of. I'm writing from an internet cafe, because the internet doesn't exist at my mom's house. This has been a welcome- albeit a little inconvenient- reprieve from any and all social media and technology. I'm not complaining, it's rare these days to have a legit excuse to not answer your phone, email, etc. Wonderful to not feel compelled to check my Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. every five minutes.
I wore this outfit last week to work, an unprecedented day where I actually felt compelled to do something with my hair, which has either been hanging limp or twisted into a cop-out bun almost all summer. It's hard to feel motivated in 95 degree heat, and this style was a nice vacation from the everyday. Do you find yourself getting caught in a hair-routine? The same old ponytail or messy bun? Yep, you're not alone!
This is the second iteration of this particular outfit. I feel as though sometimes I have to wear an outfit twice to really figure it out- if that makes sense. The first time I left out the vest and necklace and wore flat sandals- I far prefer this dressed up version. This bag has been my constant companion for the past week and a half, it's large and sturdy enough to stash two cameras and has enough pockets to keep everything else separate, which is ideal.
Hope you're having a wonderful week, stay tuned for another giveaway tomorrow!