Over the Weekend: Mega Post

Consider this post the offspring of my Friday Favorites, Life Lately, and Over the Weekend Posts. They all got together and had a baby. This post...
Anyway, this past weekend was fantastic, and I'm guilty of being a little bit of a slacker when it came to responsibilities. But, this was exactly was what a weekend should be: equal parts fun, relaxation, and full of inspiration. Contrary to what these pictures tell you, I didn't spend all of it at Phipps. Chris and I celebrated the existence of Friday by going to see the Queers and Agent Orange, an experience that managed to make us feel both extremely old, and like teenagers all at the same time. The last time we saw them was...I can't even remember. I was in college, so it was a long time ago. Saturday, I met up with a couple of new friends for coffee and breakfast food, did some things on my own, and then met back up with everyone once Chris got out of work for more food and a visit to Unsmoke. Sunday was spent similarly: coffee with a friend, a quick lunch at home, and then a solo trip to Construction Junction and Phipps.
I've been making the effort to be more open and positive this month, and I feel like it's changing my perspective. Perhaps it's due to the weather cooling slightly- or even just due to having had some time off- but I've definitely felt more motivated and...happier. That's not to say I haven't also been stressed as usual, in fact I had a flare up of hypochondria last week- something that happens when I put a lot of pressure on myself. One thing leads to another and soon enough I've convinced myself that I have a life-threatening illness (I don't). I've been pushing myself to run- at least a short distance- every evening after work. This has helped me clear my head, and it's satisfying to get out of the gym and have a clear definition of accomplishment- conquering a certain hill (or hills, as far as Pittsburgh is concerned), or running a little farther than the day before. The gym doesn't offer that same satisfaction.
While I'm savoring these last few weeks of summer, I can't help but look forward to the season ahead. I'm excited to break out the boxes that contain last year's fall wardrobe and reevaluate. There are definitely some styles I'm keeping an eye on for fall:
I'm really loving the mix of faux-leather and knit sleeves on this moto-jacket from Lulu's. I feel like it's the perfect mix if soft and structured, and would look perfect layered over summer maxi dresses.
These brown heels from Ruche would be perfect for transitioning into cooler weather. Wear then now alone, and with tights or knee-highs come October.
I've been noticing longer lengths on body-con dresses lately, which I love. I feel a longer length makes a tight dress that much more wearable, especially with contrasting tights and heels. This dress from Spotted Moth is perfect, I love the neckline.
I'm already thinking about sweaters. It was so nice and cool on Saturday that I got to wear my favorite combination: a sweater and shorts. I'm stocking up on patterned cardigans like this one from Bluesville, USA to belt over jeans and dresses. Save 15% off your order with the code "orchidgrey" at checkout!
And simple gold necklaces will always be a staple, for every season. I'm especially smitten with this one from InfinEight!
I know it's Tuesday, but how was your weekend?